Mahabharat - One Of World's Greatest Epics

Mahabharat - One Of World's Greatest Epics

Mahabharata composed by Ved Vyas is the biggest conflict in Indian history over the travail for power, between two families. It is an encyclopedia of Indian philosophy, religious and materialistic awareness composed by Veda Vyas.

Mahabharata is not only the history of ancient Indian civilization but also one of the best books on the world's greatest epics. 

Because of the intrinsic significance of the Mahabharata, about dharma, artha, kama, and moksha and the essence of the knowledge and deep facts of life,  it is referred to as the itihasa-Purana and is also referred to as the fifth Veda. Mahabharata has also been referred to as the sacred scripture of faith, economics, kama shastra, integrity, religion, karma, ethics, politics, diplomacy, philosophy, and liberation. 

Mahabharata is also an important book of ethics. 

Many enlightening anecdotes and theories have been discussed in it for knowledge. It the longest epic poem that consists of 100,000 śloka or over 200,000 individual verse lines and long prose paragraphs and is divided into 18 parvas. Vidur was a great scholar and who had knowledge of ethics and theism. Vidur Niti is an important part of Mahabharata. The battle of Mahabharata, which was fought in Kurukshetra, included many Indian Aryan kings. Eventually, Pandavas conquered the battle with the help of Lord Krishna.

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According to the Mahabharata story, King Shantanu was a Kuru king of the Lunar dynasty in Hastinapura, a region situated between the Ganges and the Jamuna River. He was an heir of the Bharata clan and also the great-grandfather of the Pandavas and Kauravas. His sons were Bhishma, Chitrangad, and Vichitravirya. Bhishma was bound by the throne of Hastinapur due to his vows. Bhishma decided to remain unmarried as a vow given to her mother Satyavati, Vichitravirya became the king of Hastinapura and had two sons - Pandu and Dhritarashtra after marriage. 

Dhritarashtra was blind from birth, hence Pandu became the king of Hastinapura. Pandu had five sons known as Pandavas while Dhritarashtra, had a hundred sons who were called the Kauravas. Dhritarashtra's son, especially his elder son Duryodhana was jealous of the Pandavas. He wanted the throne of Hastinapura so he conspired with his maternal uncle Shakuni, and managed to send the Pandavas to exile. Pandavas then settled near Delhi and established a new capital, Indraprastha. Arjuna, won Draupadi, the princess of the Panchala, in Swayamvar. Because of a misinterpretation by Kunti, Pandava's mother, Draupadi also had to marry the other four brothers of arjuna. 

The Battle Of Mahabharat

Once Duryodhana in his jealously for the Pandavas invited Pandavas to play dice in his kingdom. During the game, Yudhishthira, the eldest Pandavas lost everything, including Draupadi, the wife of the five Pandavas in the game. As a result, the Pandavas were once again sent to exile for thirteen years. After completing his term of exile, the Pandavas once again claimed for their kingdom Hastinapura. But, Duryodhana refused to return them back their possessions which eventually led to the battle of Mahabharata, which lasted for eighteen days. 

Arjuna first refused to fight against his own family and relatives in the battle but Lord Krishna enlightens him with the knowledge of karma and reminded him of his duties. Lord Krishna became his saarthi and gave him the divine message which is cherished in the Bhagavad Gita. Thus, Arjuna took up his arms and fought bravely. In this huge battle, the prodigious massacre of men took place and all Kauravas were killed.

After the battle of Mahabharata

After the battle of Mahabharata, Yudhishthira became the king. After ruling Hastinapura for 36 years, the five Pandavas then handed over the kingdom to Parikshat, the grandson of Arjuna and son of Abhimanyu, and then left towards the Himalayas.

Lesson from Mahabharata 

Many scholars, litterateurs, and creators in India have created their own work based on the story of Mahabharata. Consciousness associated with religion is very powerful as explained in Mahabharata. Mahabharata has great importance in Indian culture. It describes the war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. But it also describes the then religious, moral, social, political, Gita Saar, and many historical events. The philosophy of Gita is also a part of Mahabharata. In this, beautiful coordination of knowledge, devotion, and karma holds power. According to Gita,  Karma yoga is the best path to reach moksha. Karma is given more importance in the social system of Mahabharata. Among the four ashrams in the Mahabharata, Grihasthasrama is considered the best. 


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