Shani Shingnapur - A Village in India where the Houses don't have doors

 Shani Shingnapur - A  Village in India where the Houses don't have doors

It is such a tough job to be a guardian of the gates for people. The story of Shani Shingnapur is an interesting one- it is a village without doors and locks. 

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Shani Shingnapur is a village located in the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra. The houses in this tiny place are one-of-a-kind. This village is famous for the fact that no house in the village has any doors.

1. Shani Shingnapur: A village in India where the houses don't have doors

Shani Shingnapur is a village located in the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra. A one of a kind village in India, and probably the world, Shani Shingnapur is famous for the fact that no house here has any doors. In a country where there is so much of a demand for housing, Shani Shingnapur is a village that has no doors. 

In Shani Shingnapur, the doors have been removed as a religious custom. The doorless houses of Shani Shingnapur have no doors because it is believed that the presence of a door will prevent the village from receiving the blessings of the God Shani. The houses in Shani Shingnapur are large, sometimes reaching up to 60 meters in length or width. They are constructed with a single-story and the door is located at the center of the house. The houses are not made up of a single room.

The village's name, Shani Shingnapur, means "Lord Shiva's village" in Sanskrit, and the village is dedicated to Lord Shiva.

The villagers, who are mostly members of the Maratha community, have traditionally believed that doors lead to bad luck. They also believe that doors are the source of the evil eye, which is why they've never used doors in their homes. The villagers believe that they will go to heaven if they die without a door. 

2. The history of Shani Shingnapur

The village is made up of a few hundred houses, and children are not allowed to go outside their house until they are married. The houses are all made from mud. The prominent religious practices in the village are the worship of Shani Shingnapur, Lord Shiva's son.

You can often see a Shani statue in the middle of the main square, and this is where the temple resides.

 When you reach Shani Shingnapur, it is easy to see why it is the only village in the world without doors. This village is dedicated to the Hindu deity Shani, and the houses here are all lined up on one side of the road. The houses are all made from mud, and the doors are nowhere to be found. The village was established around 400 AD and is close to the Panchaganga River. It was established by the Ahir community.

3. The story of the doors

The story is that a Hindu saint had ordered the doors of all the houses to be removed and had promised that the village would prosper if they did.

There are many different theories as to why this village is the way it is. Some believe that the doors were too heavy and not practical, while others believe that doors were not allowed in this village because of the many pilgrims that come to the temple.

No one is sure why the doors were removed, but one story is that the doors were taken down in order to prevent people from fighting. Another story says that the doors were removed because the local people were not allowed to use them when the houses were made. Regardless of the reason, the doors have not been put back up.


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